Durata (ore):
Dati Generali
Periodo di attività
Primo Semestre (30/09/2024 - 13/12/2024)
Obiettivi Formativi
The goal of the course is to familiarize students with methods of research and empirical analysis in the social sciences generally, and political science specifically. Together with substantive knowledge on specific topics, the course is designed to provide students with practical skills to successfully design, complete and communicate their final dissertation, as well as scientific papers, reports or policy briefs.
Metodi didattici
Lectures, class activities and exercises, and class discussions lead by the lecturer.
General discussion on the course issues (final).
Further material covering the exam topics will be made available for students who are recipients of inclusive teaching modes.
General discussion on the course issues (final).
Further material covering the exam topics will be made available for students who are recipients of inclusive teaching modes.
Verifica Apprendimento
Based on the following criteria:
(i) Class participation. Students are expected to attend the class and to participate actively in class discussions.
Participation accounts for 10% of the final grade. Disruptive behavior (side conversations, use of the mobile phone, reading for other classes) will negatively affect the grade.
(ii) Group exercises and presentation, addressing a specific topic of the course. In class exercise will be worth 40% of the total grade for the course. The in class work should prove the ability to apply the analytical tools acquired in the course to empirical cases and/or to critically discuss theoretical approaches. The quality of the discussion in terms of clarity, communicative effectiveness and capability to elicit discussion among fellow students will be also evaluated.
(iii) Final exam – Written test with simple questions and practical exercises. The exam accounts for 50% of the final grade.
(i) Class participation. Students are expected to attend the class and to participate actively in class discussions.
Participation accounts for 10% of the final grade. Disruptive behavior (side conversations, use of the mobile phone, reading for other classes) will negatively affect the grade.
(ii) Group exercises and presentation, addressing a specific topic of the course. In class exercise will be worth 40% of the total grade for the course. The in class work should prove the ability to apply the analytical tools acquired in the course to empirical cases and/or to critically discuss theoretical approaches. The quality of the discussion in terms of clarity, communicative effectiveness and capability to elicit discussion among fellow students will be also evaluated.
(iii) Final exam – Written test with simple questions and practical exercises. The exam accounts for 50% of the final grade.
Halperin, Sandra, and Oliver Heath. Political research: methods and practical skills, Oxford University Press, USA, 2020, Chapters: 1; 4-15.
Background material: any introductory book on political science research methods and statistics, for example (available for free):
Angela Nichols, Research in Political Science: An Undergraduate Guide. 2021. Creative Commons.
All other material and reading assignments will be provided by the instructor and will be available on the KIRO platform of the course.
Background material: any introductory book on political science research methods and statistics, for example (available for free):
Angela Nichols, Research in Political Science: An Undergraduate Guide. 2021. Creative Commons.
All other material and reading assignments will be provided by the instructor and will be available on the KIRO platform of the course.
The course aims at providing students with the main practical and conceptual tools of research design as well as to illustrate them a number of different data source, data collection and data analysis methods. Along with theoretical explanations and practical exercises, the course will include the presentation of best practices and exemplary research cases that will span over the different sub-fields of political science (from IR and conflict studies to electoral politics, from EU politics to public opinion research, from comparative politics to policy analysis).
The course will cover the following topics:
- The logic of research
- Asking questions: literature, theories, and research questions
- Hypotheses testing and measurement: from concepts to numbers
- Interviews
- Surveys
- Focus groups
- Content/text analysis
- Political ethnography
- Experiments
The course will cover the following topics:
- The logic of research
- Asking questions: literature, theories, and research questions
- Hypotheses testing and measurement: from concepts to numbers
- Interviews
- Surveys
- Focus groups
- Content/text analysis
- Political ethnography
- Experiments
Lingua Insegnamento
Altre informazioni
The full list of readings and the related material will be available on the KIRO platform since the beginning of the course.
Laurea Magistrale
2 anni
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