Durata (ore):
Dati Generali
Periodo di attività
Primo Semestre (02/10/2024 - 20/12/2024)
Obiettivi Formativi
The course is structured as an introductory exploration of neurolinguistics. It will delve into several inquiries, encompassing: (i) the distinctive capacity of humans to articulate grammatical structures unparalleled in any other life form; (ii) the underlying principles governing their linguistic framework; (iii) the universal attributes inherent in human languages; and (iv) the interconnection between language and the brain
This course aims at developing knowledge and understanding in several key areas of neurolinguistics:
a) Advanced comprehension of theoretical models and the interpretation of experimental data with reference to language.
b) Profound understanding of the methods and experimental techniques employed within the field of neurolinguistics.
Furthermore, the course aims to cultivate the ability to apply this knowledge and understanding effectively by advancing students’ ability to:
a) perform and evaluate applications in experimental settings in the area of neurolinguistics;
b) critical thinking, analytical, and synthetic reasoning skills in the area of neurolinguistics;
This course aims at developing knowledge and understanding in several key areas of neurolinguistics:
a) Advanced comprehension of theoretical models and the interpretation of experimental data with reference to language.
b) Profound understanding of the methods and experimental techniques employed within the field of neurolinguistics.
Furthermore, the course aims to cultivate the ability to apply this knowledge and understanding effectively by advancing students’ ability to:
a) perform and evaluate applications in experimental settings in the area of neurolinguistics;
b) critical thinking, analytical, and synthetic reasoning skills in the area of neurolinguistics;
The course necessitates a basic understanding of brain anatomy and neurobiology, with no prerequisite pertaining to linguistics knowledge.
Metodi didattici
The lectures will be conducted utilizing presentations and slides, facilitating comprehensive understanding. Furthermore, exercises focusing on various facets of theoretical linguistics will be integrated to enhance learning outcomes. Additionally, seminal articles that have significantly influenced the field of neurolinguistics will be presented for critical examination. Moreover, the course will feature guest lectures by esteemed practitioners who will illuminate the latest advancements and frontiers in neurolinguistic research, enriching the academic discourse.
Verifica Apprendimento
The exam will be an oral assessment on a scale of 30 points. The exam will cover all the topics discussed during the course, as well as those proposed in the textbooks indicated in the syllabus. The evaluation will be based on the completeness of the answers provided by the students, their ability to argue and critically apply the knowledge acquired during the course to real or realistic cases. The student's capacity to present answers clearly and coherently will also be taken into consideration. The aim of the evaluation is to assess a deep understanding of the topics and the students' ability to effectively apply theoretical. Students will be encouraged to demonstrate their critical analysis and problem-solving skills in complex neuropsychological contexts, as well as their ability to connect the various topics covered during the course.
Students will have the flexibility to embark on their academic pursuits by initiating from either their own research paper, a presentation, or an article selected from the array of scholarly materials deliberated throughout the course.
Students will have the flexibility to embark on their academic pursuits by initiating from either their own research paper, a presentation, or an article selected from the array of scholarly materials deliberated throughout the course.
Some selected chapters of the following texts:
. Adrian Akmajian, Richard A. Demers, Ann K. Farmer, Robert M. Harnish. 2010. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication (Sixth Edition). The MIT Press.
. Baggio Giosuè. 2022. Neurolinguistics. The MIT Press.
Some other references will be discussed during the class.
. Adrian Akmajian, Richard A. Demers, Ann K. Farmer, Robert M. Harnish. 2010. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication (Sixth Edition). The MIT Press.
. Baggio Giosuè. 2022. Neurolinguistics. The MIT Press.
Some other references will be discussed during the class.
The course will be partitioned into two segments. Initially, an in-depth examination of certain aspects of linguistic theory will ensue, encompassing the theories of syntax, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics. Subsequently, the foundational themes of neurolinguistics will be scrutinized, spanning both historical antecedents and contemporary perspectives. This analysis will encompass the origins of neurolinguistics, its adoption of linguistic models, the cerebral representation of various language components, distinctions among forms of aphasia, and related topics.
Lingua Insegnamento
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Laurea Magistrale
2 anni
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