The course is designed to teach the necessary knowledge and to understand the rational of laser safety. At the end of the course the students learned to classify a laser product, carry out laser risk assessment and prescribe prevention and protection measures in all work environments. The program, articulated in lectures and practical lessons, meets the training requirements for the TSL outlined by the CEI (Italian Electrotechnical Committee) and for LPA (Laser Protection Adviser) outlined by IEC International Standards.
Understanding of basic principles of electromagnetic theory, geometrical and wave optics.
Metodi didattici
Lectures through which the student learns the main theoretical aspects and models Practical class aiming at the application of the studied models
Verifica Apprendimento
Written test generally, which includes theory and numerical exercises. The sufficient students can be accept the mark gotten in the written test or they can do a oral test. The oral exam is required to the "LAUDE".
Laser safety laws, standards (IEC-EN-CEI, UNI) in force. Lecture notes
Basic knowledge: Laser fundamental physics and applications Italian laws, european directives and international standards about laser safety Biological effects of laser radiation Exposure Limit Values (ELVs) and Maximum Permissible Exposures (MPEs) Accessible Emission Levels (AELs) and classification of laser products Laser risk assessment Laser radiation collateral hazards Selecting control measures Laser guards and viewing windows Personal protective equipment Lasers in the healthcare environment Lasers in the industrial environment
Numerical exercises and measures Will be proposed numerical examples and measurements: Calculation of the Exposure Limit Values (ELVs) Calculation of Accessible Emission Levels (AELs) Classification of continuous and pulsed lasers Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance Protective eyewear, laser guard and viewing window choice