Learning of the basis aspects of NMR, MRI, CT, PET/SPECT and of the techniques used for the image reconstruction. The student should have acquired a suitable knowledge of these subjects, in order to follow with a suitable independence level part of the literature in this area and to appropriately interact with researchers, medical physicists, physicians, engineers, biologists and so on, that perform Imaging experiments and medical exams. The last part will be dedicated to introduce the techniques used for automated medical image analysis including radiomics and AI methods
Basics of mechanics, electromagnetism and quantum physics. Basics of computing techniques and machine learning
Metodi didattici
The course is delivered through lectures and problem solving examples. The videorecorded lectures are made available to students on a Drive folder, indicated on the KIRO multimedia platform.
Verifica Apprendimento
Oral exam. The students should concentrate on the comprehension of the physical aspects involved in the introduced topics, and their practical applications.
Slides and review papers given during the lectures.
* NMR/MRI E.M. Haacke, R.W. Brown, M.R. Thompson, R. Venkatesan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging – Physical Principles and Sequence Design – ed.Wiley-Liss
* CT T. Buzug, "Computed Tomography - From Photon Statistics to Modern Cone-Beam CT". ed. Springer
* PET Magdy M. Khalil, "Basic Science of PET Imaging", ed. Springer
* SPECT Bushberg, Jerrold T. et al, The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging 4th Edition International Edition, ed. Wolters Kluwer
* RADIOMICS J. Tian, D. Dong, Z. Liu, J. Wei, Radiomics and Its Clinical Application Artificial Intelligence and Medical Big Data, 1st Edition - June 3, 2021, ed. Elsevier
Description of the magnetic resonance phenomenon, Bloch equations, NMR spectrum and different signals (FID, echo, GE, etc). Magnetic Resonance Imaging: one-dimensional imaging, the k-space, the gradient-echo, 2D and 3D imaging and sequences. In brief : the BOLD technique, functional MRI, and contrast agents. The CT, PET/SPECT, X-ray basics. Different techniques for image reconstruction: the continuous and discrete Fourier transform, sampling and aliasing, projection and backprojection image reconstruction, Radon transform and M-filtering. Basics of automated image analysis. Introduction to Radiomics and to the radiomic workflow.
Lingua Insegnamento
Altre informazioni
Contacts : alessandro.lascialfari@unipv.it luca.presotto@unimib.it * tel. : 0382 987499 * students reception : appointment to be agreed with the lecturer * lectures slides on Drive (indicated by the lecturer)