• Students will develop a deep understanding of cognitive concepts and theories by reviewing major research findings. • Knowledge of experimental methods: what happens in experiments and how results are explained with theories • Knowledge of main real-world applications of research findings and how they are relevant to everyday life.
Applying knowledge and understanding
• Students will be able to apply their understanding of main cognitive theories and concepts in order to design experiments related to everyday issues.
Course attendance requires fluent spoken and written English as a necessary pre-requisite: all lectures, study material and exams will be in English.
Metodi didattici
The course will consist of lectures followed by moments of in-class discussion. Lectures are supported by Powerpoint slides that are made available on the course Page on Kiro. Periodically quizzes following the structure of the final written and oral exam will be made available to students online to self evaluate preparation. attendance is strongly recommended.
Verifica Apprendimento
The exam will verify the level of mastery of the course contents with special attention to:
• Theoretical references • The use of technical language • Methods and experimental procedures • Ability to elaborate course contents
To better verify the achievements of the learning objectives the exam will be both written and oral. The written exam will consist of multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions on the course topics. The oral exam will consist in questions on the course topics and discussion of selected research articles.
Groome, David (2021) An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology. Processes and Disorders (4th edition). Psychology Press. Selected chapters. - Research articles on the course topic uploaded on the course Kiro page
We will analyze the flow of information processing in the mind. In particular, the course aims at explaining how people perceive and attend to the environment, how people learn and remember, and how they reason and make decisions. Applications to everyday situations will be presented. The ultimate goal will be to explain, manipulate, and replicate behavior in everyday contexts.