Human Anatomy A is a part of Structure of the Body (SOB) course focused on muscoloskeletal system. It will be held by Prof. Mikaela Stiver (visiting professor from McGill University, Montreal, Canada). In particular, this block (Anatomy A, from January to February) focuses on the skeletal-muscular structures of the different regions of the body. The material of the first block covers: 1) Introduction; 2) Back and Thorax; 3) Abdomen and Upper Limb; 4) Pelvis and Lower Limb; 5) Head and Neck, 6) and revision.
General knowledge of cell biology and general tissue organization also from high school.
Metodi didattici
4 CFU, frontal Lectures + anatomy labs: total 48 hours. Anatomy labs will be organized by tutors and professors at Sala Anatomica located in the Institute of Anatomia Umana, via Forlanini 8. Small group of students can attend laboratory sessions. ATTENDANCE TO ANATOMY LABS IS NOT MANDATORY BUT STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.
Verifica Apprendimento
Written Exam (MCQ, 30 questions covering the material from January/February). Re-sit Exams for Anatomy A (Human Anatomy A) are in June, July, September, December and January. Please see information about exam in the main syllabus of the SOB course.
Anatomy: a. Drake R, Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 3rd edition, Livingstone, 2009 b. Gilroy M, Anatomy - An Essential Textbook, Thieme, 3rd Edition c. Human Anatomy – Splanchnology Edi-Ermes, G. Anastasi et al. d. Netter F, Atlas of Human Anatomy, 5th Edition, Saunders, 2010 e. Human Anatomy Atlas, Edi Ermes, G. Anastasi et al.
Introduction to the course Principles and basic concepts for studying Anatomy Introduction to the musculoskeletal system Joint classifications & movements Vertebral column & thoracic cage Spinal cord and spinal nerves Extrinsic & intrinsic back musculature Overview of upper limb Joints of pectoral girdle and shoulder Pectoral and scapular musculature Axilla Brachial plexus Arm Elbow joint & cubital fossa Forearm Wrist Carpal tunnel Intrinsic hand Review of upper limb myotomes Overview of lower limb Joints of pelvic girdle & hip Gluteal musculature Lumbosacral plexus Thigh (anterior, medial, posterior) Knee joint & popliteal fossa Leg (anterior, lateral, posterior) Ankle Tarsal tunnel Intrinsic foot Review of lower limb myotomes Gait Introduction to the neck Anterior, posterior, & suboccipital triangles Introduction to the skull Paranasal sinuses & nasal cavity Oral cavity & tongue Muscles of mastication & TMJ Muscles of facial expression.
Lingua Insegnamento
Altre informazioni
No Make-Up Exams (not lecture nor lab) will be given, other than exceptional circumstances. Written documentation from a physician verifying the severity of the illness requiring the loss of class time will be required to excuse an absence. The exam schedule is set; plan your life accordingly. Regulations Misconduct and disrespectful behaviour may lead to a decrease by a maximum of 3 points on the FINAL GRADE. We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding the destruction or theft of common lab materials,including anatomical models or histological preparations. Any student with bad conduct are submitted for disciplinary proceedings with the Dean and President of Medicine.