Students will learn the physics and basic concepts of the main integrated photonic circuits devices. Specifically students will acquire advanced skills in the following areas: - Optical modelling tools - Mask layout tools - Design of optical devices and circuits - Data analysis techniques Students will get introduces to advanced design and simulation, computer based, tools, such as Lumerical or similar suites.
Advanced physics and optics concept. The course uses various computer software programs, and a background in basic programming is beneficial (e.g., MATLAB, Python).
Metodi didattici
The Course is based on lectures that illustrate the physics, the working principles, the operating characteristics, and the fabrication technology of the considered devices. Students will be required to use simulation software (s) to design and simulate the devices under interest. Additional software will be considered to design mask layouts.
Verifica Apprendimento
The final examination is structured as below:
- A final project is proposed to the students, the project consists of a design exercise related to integrated photonics that has to be solved using specialized softwares (e.g. Ansys Lumerical , Comsol , etc).
- The final project is discussed by the students during one of the examination dates, questions related to the project and related to general concepts of the course will be asked in this occasion. 30 points will be assigned during the examination: 20 point will be related to the project, assessing the overall quality of the project, the ability to reach the goals assigned and the quality of the presentation; 10 points will be assigned assessing answers to general questions.
- The exam is considered passed if a minimum of 18/30 score is realized.
- Silicon Photonics Design: From Devices to Systems by Lukas Chrostowski, Michael Hochberg.
-Silicon Photonics: An Introduction by Graham T. Reed, Andrew P. Knights.
Part I: Integrated photonic components Coupling to waveguides: grating couplers; butt coupling, mode transformers, inverted tapers. Advanced waveguides structures; Photonic crystals, slot waveguides, mid infrared waveguides. Interferometers, resonators, couplers, splitters, multiplexers Modulators, modulation formats and photonic-electronic integration. LiDAR. Integration of lasers and detectors. Photonic sensors and applications.
Part II: Simulation of advanced photonic components and mask design
- Design a photonic integrated circuits using the Lumerical suite
- Designing a mask for fabrication submissions. Examples and practical hands on.